Magandang gabi! (That's "good evening!")
Well, I'm overdue for this much has been going on since my first note! Our team had dinner together at Manila Bay two weeks ago...that would be the restaurant in Northeast Philly...not the city in the Philippines!

I knew the moment we walked in the door that we were in the right place. It is owned and operated by Filipinos and that night all the customers (well, other than our group!) were also Filipino! Of course we were excited about being able to talk to them about the Philippine Islands (PI), but once they found out we were going there, they were excited to talk to us, too! If they are any taste of what the Filipino people are like (no pun intended!), we are going to be so blessed by the people there! Below is a photo of our waiter, the cook and the hostess.

Anyway, in the restaurant they serve all traditional Filipino fare and to get a good sampling we ordered about 7 different dishes and then passed them around the table so we could all get a taste. How about a little adobo sa-gata or pork inihaw or lechon kawali?? Forget my trying to explain the dishes...let's just say that we had a variety of chicken and pork dishes (and pork parts!) cooked any number of different ways. For dessert all of us ordered flan...that's pretty safe...except for Scott who ordered halo halo. I believe I read someplace that means "mix" and that is an understatement. The dish is served in a large sundae-type glass and has layers of different types of beans (yes, I did say dessert!), mango, coconut jellies (think large gummy bears!) all served in a sweetened iced milk. Well, he hated the dish and it started making the rounds around the table. No one really liked it...except me...I LOVED it!!! ("Let Nancy eat it...she'll eat anything!") I was joking that how often can you say you got your day's worth of fiber from your dessert! Here's a look at me with my halo halo...

Don't know if I've mentioned, but on the way over to the PI, we'll be doing our R&R in Hong Kong...yes, I realize we're doing this backward! Anyway, I'd volunteered to take on the task and what a task it was! I had no idea how expensive Hong Kong was! And imagine the challenge of trying to line up rooms for 12 people (figuring out how many to put in a room, who gets to be with who, etc.). But thank goodness for to Kim and Scott for the Frommer's Travel Guide!! After sending out a bunch of emails asking for quotes, I found what looks to be a marvelous place in the Causeway Bay area of Hong Kong. If any of you want to take a look, here's a link to the hotel (our dormitory accommodations in PI will be nothing like this!) And the price was GREAT...easily within our budget! It's right across the street from Victoria Park and Victoria Peak. Frommer's says the evening views from the Peak are among the best in the I'm sure hoping we can take a tram car up there and do a bit of exploring. We'll be spending New Year's Eve in Hong Kong...don't know what they do for our new year's eve, but our hotel's location will be perfect if they do have fireworks or anything.
We've also had 2 training sessions since my last note. One of the sessions was related to cultural sensitivity and understanding how Americans are perceived by other cultures and how Americans often view cultures in poorer countries. For example, we learned that other cultures view Americans as loud and a couple of people in our group shared how when they've traveled overseas you can often tell who the Americans are because you can hear them! Not that it's a bad thing...that's how our culture is. And we learned how other cultures value relationships as the most important thing...not that we also don't, but that they will sacrifice honesty to protect a relationship. One of our leaders, Kathy, shared a story of a building project they were working on in Thailand where they asked their Thai leader if the construction method they were using was correct. Out of respect for Kathy and her team, the Thai leader said the method was fine, but she and their group went to lunch the Thai leader had his crew redo their work the way that he wanted it done. So as you can see, understanding where we're each coming from can be very important!
In our last training session we learned more about what we'll actually be doing in the PI. Initially we'll be spending about 2 days in Manila getting inter-cultural training and visiting the Dump. From Manila we will travel to Mindoro Island where we will be working on rehabilitating the meeting facility that was donated to ISACC. We saw pictures of the facility and if we're able to line up the materials we need, we think our main goal will be to replace the roof of their chapel which must have blown off at some point. But there's so much that needs to be done...we'll be praying about it and what we do will be largely dependent on supplies.
Now some of you might be wondering why ISACC needs us to do the building rehab...why do we need to go halfway around the world to do it for them? I can only answer that by saying that it's God's plan! Six of us had signed up for this trip because of what we thought was going to be the opportunity to minister in the Dump area outside Manila. But God obviously has other plans for us! And beyond this, ISACC does not have the financial resources to rehab this facility, which is so important to their organization being able to grow. Part of our trip money goes to purchase the needed supplies, etc. We are all very excited to see where God leads us on this trip.
Please continue praying for our team. Please pray for Bill's knee and that the troubles he's been having do not prevent him from being able to go along. Please pray for relationships among the team members; that we continue to get to know each other and grow together. And please pray that we all remain open to God's leading and direction on this journey.
Well, I guess you're up-to-date! Now I'm going to sign off and see about getting a blog spot set up...looks like we should have internet access everywhere we're going to be.
Thanks again to you all for your love, support and encouragement. Each one of you will be coming along with me on this trip!
Matthew 25:35-40