Monday, November 27, 2006

Introductions and Corrections

Woo hoo…at long last…a photo of the team!!

Drum roll please…introducing from left to right, seated on the front row - Marilyn and Kathy; standing in the back row - Nancy, Kim, Scott, Chuck and me. Kathy and Chuck are our leaders and 2 of their kids, along with 2 of their friends will also be joining us. But they are now scattered in parts far and wide and weren’t around for this picture. I’m sure we’ll be posting shots of them once we get to the PI.

Scott’s the one with all the construction experience and he will be leading us in our project work once we get over there. But recently I’ve come to see that both Kim and Marilyn are pretty darn good with their own construction skills and knowledge. But more about that later!

Kim and Scott are our newlyweds…and I’ve never told them, but…they got married on my birthday!! August 18. Guess now I don’t have any excuse to not remember their anniversary.

And two Nancys…we’re still trying to figure out the name dilemma…

OK, now for the corrections…forget what I said earlier about our itinerary! We are leaving Philly on Friday, Dec. 29 at 10:45 a.m. But we’ll be getting in to Hong Kong on Dec. 30 around 8:00 p.m. And I’m so confused at this point I’m not sure if those times are local times (Hong Kong) or U.S. times! :) Then we’ll leave Hong Kong at 4:40 p.m. on Jan. 1 and will arrive in Manila around 6:40 p.m. If any of you want more info, just drop me a note to let me know.

More soon…

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