Thursday, January 11, 2007

Fairwell to Puerto Galera and Valley of Peace

It is now 10:00 p.m. on Thursday, Jan. 11 and I'm wrting from Manila. Today we left Valley of Peace and Puerto Galera for Manila. I'd hoped to post a bunch of pictures of our last couple of days, but am not able to on this computer I'm using. So, those of you who are interested should still stay tuned after we get back because I do plan to post photos of our last few days once I'm able.

But until then, here are a few words to describe our last couple of days:
It has been rainy the last several days, but in spite of that we were able to completely finish work on the playground! looks gorgeous. And we were able to finish demo work on the dining hall and do as much of the support work for that as possible, given the rainy conditions. Chuck and Scott, along with Po Poy, Jun, and Jomer, did an awesome job on that building. I'm just blown away by what they were able to accomplish in such a short time.

Last night we said our good-byes to the Filipinos on the team. It was emotional for me...while I miss home and all of you, endings have never been easy for me. I'm going to miss all these people that we've met and worked along side.

The ferry ride back to Batangas this morning was again uneventful, praise God. And we had a nice evening of R&R once we got back to the OMF house where we are staying in Manila.

I'm starting to feel a little overwhelmed by it all...the sights, sounds, smells of this beautiful land. The contrasts...from the squatter's shacks, some stacked 2 and 3 high, looking like a tower of cards just waiting to the gorgeous modern mall in Manila that we visited. The crazy traffic with all the honking and the smell of diesel exhaust in the air. The luscious tropical surroundings on Puerto Galera. And the relationships we've made, especially with Jay and Zsa Zsa. I think it'll take me some time to process it all when I get back.

Tomorrow we will visit the area of the youth center in Basatlan that originally we'd hoped to be working on. I'll share more about it tomorrow. It's a moving testimony to the awesome and amazing power of God, how that ministry got started.

Now, however, our team has a lot to say to family and friends, so here goes!

Nancy S. sends out huge HAPPY BIRTHDAY greetings to Jojo and Jeff from her and Aunt Mar!!! They wish they could be there with you to celebrate and are looking forward to seeing you soon.

Kim and Scott have the following notes for their loved ones...
"To Jon & Tina
That's what 'The Boss' does, he cracks the whip!

To Kelly
We hope you have a wonderfil time on your cruise. J-A-E we can tell that you girls are praying for us. Thanks!

Dad & SJ
Hope the house is still standing and that Bry is doing ok without us. See ya soon,

Bob & Ali
My fear of spiders has been overcome by the fear of humongous cockroaches!

We can see the fruits of your prayers, thank you. Hope all is well.

Ernie & Naomi
We did not eat any snake meat or drink any blood as per your suggestion, but the octupus was a hit."

And a couple notes from me:
Bob and Alice (and anyone else praying for me)...I so appreciate your prayers to date. They have been such a blessing to me. Now I have a specific request...I had a sore throat from last Saturday through yesterday. Now, thankfully the sore throat has gone, but it took my voice with it and has left me all congested! So, for the last 2 days I have had no voice and the last thing I want is to get on the plane for the ride back with my head all congested. Prayers for a speedy healing would be much appreciated!

Patti...I'm up for that pasta whenever we can get it on our schedules!

JP...can we have our dinner on Monday night? Looking forward to being able to spend some time together when I've had a chance to get a bit rested.

And to all of you who've posted notes over the last couple of has meant so much to me personally and every member of this team. And especially thanks for your prayers...they have sustained us on this trip.

More tomorrow...

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