Monday, January 8, 2007

Puerto Galera - Lots of Photos!

Hi all!!! Another marvelous day in the PI!! It's almost 9:00 a.m. on Tuesday, Jan. 9 and since Jay needed to come to town to send an email anyway, me, Nancy and Marilyn decided to join him. I'm here at the internet cafe while the other three are off shopping!

Today the objective is to post as many photos as I can in one, here we go...

The infamous concrete beds...this is a shot of Kristin crashed on the concrete bunks (I'm also sleeping on the bunks).

Here's a photo of our ferry from Batangas to Mindoro...

And here are a couple of inside views on the ride over:

Our jeepneys at the port in Puerto Galera that were waiting to take us to Valley of Peace:

The walk from Valley of Peace to Puerto Galera:

This is the dining hall...our major project. This was taken on our demo day....that's Kim and Nancy doing their thing...

Some proof that I am actually doing some physical work here!

Here's a picture of Jomer (our host at Valley of Peace) and Po Poy (our local construction expert). These guys have been indispensible to us!

Some of the lush, local plant life:

But of course, we can't work 24/7. And our ISACC guide, Jay, is a remarkably talented guy. Who'd have ever suspested that he'd also know reflexology. He is really a remarkable guy and we are blessed to have him with us.

Sunday we had some R&R at one of the local beaches:

And last, but most definitely not least, the most photographed child in the Philippines!! JP!! And that's Zsa Zsa with him. She's ISACC's architect on this project. An amazing woman of God...she's donating her time on this project.

Notes from the team to family and friends:
Marilyn wants to thank everyone and especially her prayer partner for their prayers during her struggle with this infection. She is doing SO MUCH better!!! God is so good!

Also, here's a note from Marilyn to her coworkers at GSK...
"It was so nice to hear from you all. I am feeling much better today (had some kind of nasty bug for several days). This trip is an awesome experience. Thank you for your prayers and don't work too hard! :)
Warm regards,

And here are a few notes from Nancy S. to her family and friends:
"To Chris, Jeff and Mom,
We have an appointment on Wednesday. Hope all is well.
Nancy and Marilyn"

"To Patty and Mary Beth,
Love and miss you both. Thanks for your prayers.
Nancy and Marilyn"

"To Worthington, Konzman, and Sandy/Bob families,
We love and miss you!
Mom and Aunt Mar"

And from me to you all...hope you're having as much fun back in the States as we are here!! I'll be posting again soon!

Love you!


Anonymous said...

We'd like to know why Scott is standing around watching 2 women carry a huge peice of plywood! haha, but all jokes seems the trip is going well and we are praying for you all! Jon and Tina Ruble

Anonymous said...

Hey Nancy,
I check your blog everyday and love hearing and seeing about all your adventures. Love the Chosen 300 t-shirt and hat! Hope your hungry for pasta when you get back! Love Patti

Anonymous said...

Hi Nancy,

I am glad to hear that you and the team are doing well. It sounds like your daily adventures have been quite rewarding. I must say you seem to be a happy painter(lol).

My dad sends his love and says hello. Dad has been asking about you all week - I think he is anxious to see you.

My dad and I would like to take you out for dinner this Sunday - if you decide to come home(lol). You can let us know.

Take good care,

Love Chelsie

Bob & alice Miller said...


You continue to do an incredible job keeping friends and family updated on activities at work (& play). The pix were great; we really enjoy seeing them all! A resident reflexologist--what more could a group of workers need/want!

It's almost Wednesday here in the US (Thursday for you all); seems impossible you'll all be back here on Sunday. Time has really flown by for us watching you; probably more so for all you workers.

Blessings on you all for a grand finish and safe trip home to loved ones. Thanks be to God for your sacrificial efforts.

Bob & alice

Anonymous said...

Hi Gang:

Thankx much for the updates .. we love to get them.

We can hardly wait to hear your news in person - so get the stories ready.

Scott makes a great "boss"... smart man.

We are praying and we know that you will each be changed by this trip... God is so good.

Hugs to all, SJ

Anonymous said...

Hi Marilyn,

The guys at work forwarded this blog to me and its so great to see all the fantastic work you are doing in the Philippines. I hope you are enjoying yourself, i hear its a beautiful place. Look forward to seeing you in the near future.

All my love,

Suffwan Eltom