Sunday, December 31, 2006

Happy New Year!!!

Well, almost New Year anyway. It's about 8:00 p.m. Hong Kong time and since I won't likely have internet access at midnight, here are my early wishes!

Wow, what a marvelous day we've had!! Matt and Marilou got here after all...turns out there was a little mix-up on our end about their itinerary. Their plane actually did arrive as scheduled. And our luggage got here, too!!! Woo hooo!! Thanks for your prayers!!

Once Matt and Marilou got here we all headed over to Victoria Peak. On the way we passed by probably hundreds of women, many Muslim, sitting around on the sidewalks in little groups. They were all set for the day with food, drinks, etc. and made themselves at home while spreading out on sheets of plastic. We were trying to guess what was going on and had decided that they must be there to stake out spots for the fireworks tonight or something. Come to find out that they are actually women who are originally from Indonesia and who are working in Hong Kong and they hang out like that on weekends and holidays. They are still there at this hour....just sitting around talking and eating....interesting.

Anyway, back to Victoria was about a 40 minute wait for the tram to take us up, but as you can see, it was an incredible, amazing view...check out the picture for yourself...

The weather today could not have been more gorgeous...mid-60's and sunny. And here's a shot of the team...well, except for Kathy who's taking the picture...

Yep, we're having a great time in Hong Kong...check out Matt celebrating at dinner tonight...

Tomorrow we'll be heading to Manila. Our plane leaves Hong Kong around 4:00 (our time) and it'll be a short hop to the PI...a 2 hour flight. Then our "work"...the purpose for our trip...begins. I can't wait to see what God has planned.

On a final note, thanks to all you who have posted comments...they have blessed us all. And Trish, thanks for offering to contact my mom, but she will be checking the blog like all of you guys. (hi mom!!)

More to follow....


Anonymous said...


I want you to know I've been praying for you'll every day & that I am soooo happy to hear everything is going smoothly & that you all arrived safely :) What a relief! God has been so good & I pray thay he continues to bless you'll as he has done thus far...I'll look forward to all future updates & I'll be showing them to everyone here... :) Linda

Bob & alice Miller said...

Hi, folks~

Happy New Year to you all! We have yet to celebrate as it is only 5:30 p.m. in PA on 12/31. We are praying for each of you (especially you, Nancy)--and Scott & Kim, of course. We're praying for special blessings for each of you personally and for the entire team.

The shots of Victoria Peak are incredible! How were the fireworks?

love and prayers,
Bob & alice Miller

Trish M. said...

Nancy...Interesting community of women you saw in Hong Kong -- sounds like maybe they were trying to enjoy a tough circumstance? (Having to go to another country to work?)

Great news about Matt and Marilou (and the luggage)!

Thank you for the pictures!

Praying that your flight to Manila is uneventful...


Anonymous said...

God Bless you all..Happy New Year and God's Blessing to each of you!!

Praying for you all and your work!!! Looking forward to reading the next entry in the blog!!

Love and prayers,
Patty and Mary Beth
(Marilyn and the other Nancy's friends)