Sunday, December 31, 2006

Note for Chosen 300 Team

Quick note for those of you who will be going to serve at Chosen 300 on New Year's Day...I'll be praying for you guys. Special thanks to Patti and Jay for covering for me. I'll miss hearing Mark teach for the first time, but I'm sure the homeless guests and all our volunteers will be greatly blessed. I look forward to hearing all about the night when I get back.

Thanks again to Brian, Shandai and the rest of the Chosen 300 board of directors for your support of me on this trip.

And for those of you reading this blog who are unfamiliar with Chosen 300, it's an amazing organization. Please check the link I've got posted on this page.

OK, time to get packed for the trip to Manila.


Anonymous said...

Hi Nancy,
Josh, Sam and I are ready to go serve tonight--can't wait!
Glad your luggage stayed with ya'll. You look like you're having the time of your life! Our prayers go with you every day.

Anonymous said...

Hey Nancy,
Glad everything is good! We will miss you tonight! My prayers are with you also.
I'll let you know how it went tonight!

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad I finally found the site this is great to be updated this way. I'm missing you alot but am happy and proud of you all. Thanks for your service to the Lord. Love and prayers Tammy